domingo, 20 de janeiro de 2008

Cubase runs on Linux (ubuntu 7.10)

- Cubase Sx2 is running ubuntu 7.10

- After some time trying to figure out what software i would like to use, to create music in linux , I have discovered that the best solution was to install Cubase Sx2 with Wine software (

- The Cubase Sx2 version i used is 2.0.1 the one released by H2O TEAM easily found all over the Internet.

- This version runs sweet and can upload vst plug-ins also installed by Wine (well at least some plug-ins i have tested) like Zeta (shown on the picture above)
- If during installation you have window problems (install windows are hidden behind the blue installation screen) simply use the Shift Switcher plug-in on compiz to toggle trough the hidden installation windows so you can easily select the one you want and can proceed with installation .

- Make shure you have the latest version of Wine installed and whit the proper configuration settings.

- Have a nice time making music on Linux...

2 comentários:

dani disse...

Hi, my name is Daniel.

My Cubase Sx2 don't run under wine and i dont know why,I installed winetricks, wine asio, and my cubase Sx2 h2o version dont run.

i need install anything? what is your wine configuration? or my hardware isnt compatible with this program,

I dont find anything in winehq Thank you!

collapse disse...

want to try this with cubase 5... is it still working after one year?
would be great if worked, the only reason i wouldnt get another mac.